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Authored by Steven D Drucker Edition: 1Sencha Ext JS 5 Bootcamp in a Book teaches you everything that you need to know in order to build a cross-browser, x-device compatible, next-generation web application using nothing but Javascript and good intentions. This book contains over 60 hands-on exercises that cover nearly every aspect of developing enterprise-grade web apps using Sencha’s Ext JS 5 javascript framework. Table of Contents:
1. Introducing the Course 2. Introducing Ext JS 5 - Implementing the 3-tier architecture - Reviewing features and capabilities - - Reviewing the Ext JS examples - Introducing MVC and MVVM - Introducing the Class System - Generating App Scaffolding with Sencha Cmd - Using the API Docs - Debugging and troubleshooting your app - Getting Help from the Sencha Network 3. Defining Views - Deep-Diving into the Class System - Working with DOM Elements vs. Ext Components - Using the Component Hierarchy - Instantiating a Viewport - Using the Border Layout - Defining Panels - Defining Toolbars, Buttons, and Menus - Handling User Events with ViewControllers - Working with Tab Panels - Supporting the “back” button with Routes - Working with Windows - Implementing a Dashboard 4. Reading Complex Data from an App Server - Understanding AJAX and REST - Implementing View Models and Data Binding - Implementing Roles-Based Security - Defining a Data Model - Defining a Proxy - Reading Multiple Records into a Data Store - Using Chained Stores 5. Visualizing Tabular Data in Grids - Defining a Grid - Using Grid Widgets - Implementing Data Pagination - Defining Grouped Grids - Enhancing Grouped Grids - Editing Data in Grids 6. Generating Markup from Data - Working with XTemplates - Looping Through Data - Implementing Conditional Processing - Executing Inline JavaScript - Binding Custom JavaScript Methods to XTemplates - Performing Basic Calculations in an XTemplate - Binding a Template to a Component - Using the DataView 7. Visualizing Hierarchical Data in Trees - Introducing the TreeStore - Understanding the NodeInterface Class - Implementing a Tree Panel - Implementing a Tree Grid - Working with Heterogeneous Node Types - Using Trees as an Input Mechanism 8. Visualizing Data in Charts - Instantiating a Chart - Configuring Chart Axes - Configuring Chart Labels - Configuring Chart Legends - Using Chart Interactions - Working with Bar Charts - Working with Line Charts - Working with Gauges 9. Maintaining State - Configuring the State Provider - Saving the State of Components - Adding State Management to Non-Stateful Components 10. Creating Data Entry Forms - Creating Data Entry Forms - Defining a Form - Configuring Form Fields - Using the Combo Box Field - Sizing Fields with the Anchor Layout - Sizing Fields with the Form Layout - Assigning Default Configuration Values - Grouping Fields - Validating Input Data - Formatting the Data Validation Error Messages - Submitting Data to the Server for Processing - Binding Grids to Forms 11. Theming your App 12. Going into Production - Documenting your App with JSDuck - Unit Testing with Jasmine and Siesta - Generating Testing and Production Builds 13. Appendix A: Configuring your Development Environment 14. Appendix B: Congressional Earmarks Lab 15. Appendix C: Proposal Manager LabPublication Date:
四月 02 2015 ISBN/EAN13: 1511659580 / 9781511659581 Page Count: 588 Binding Type: US Trade Paper Trim Size: 8.5” x 11” Language: English Color: Black and White Related Categories: Computers / Programming Languages / JavaScript